Thursday, December 11, 2014


Today has been hard. I had a major project due for my scenic painting class so I worked on that tirelessly until I finished it. Little did I know that it would take me almost 10 hours just to finish. UGGH I LOVE painting  but I HATE it. And it's not even real painting.

But then so I meandered over to the metals studio to finish my project because I knew I only had to clean a couple pieces up and solder two little pieces together and be done.
Well, if only it had gone that way....

I formed the new half of the ring band on the major component of my project and ran it over to the torches. I set it up and threw some fire on it and all of a sudden, it all fell a part. The two pieces turned into 4 charred little pieces and they wouldn't solder together. So now I'm being forced to improvise.

Here's where I had the meltdown. Finals week has officially gotten the best of me.

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