Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A bright spot to my trudging through Finals week was my friend Eric having set up a Free Waffle station outside of the Metals studio. He just felt like it, that's why.

He said the only stipulation was that you had to find 'someone else' to make you a waffle, and in return you made a waffle for them. Eric stood there, mediating and smiling.
He just wanted to spread a little faith and that's exactly what he did. 

Soon the entire Art department was downstairs, making chocolate chip and blueberry, applesauce, honey, even "grilled cheese" waffles for each other. A boy named Nate made mine. I've never met him before and neither him, I. But he was sweet, we exchanged pleasantries and he lovingly made my waffle. It was glorious.

Thanks Nate. And most of all, thank you Eric.
You've made a bleak gray day shine a little brighter.

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