Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Exam Critique Today!

The semester has drawn to a close and I couldn't be happier to see my second to last semester done and in the books.
While this class has been interesting, it's definitely deterred me from wanting to be a metal artist and I think that's a good thing. I'm definitely not cut out for it, and finding out this is just another step in my path of learning as much as I can.
Arthur's been an interesting teacher, yet this semester has been overall ..interesting I can tell you that. I do hope that critique goes well, even though I've had to improvise due to several missteps in the process. I just hope at this point that I pass the class. For the love of god, I hope I pass.

I also may keep up with this blog periodically, especially in my work in the art department. Who knows, maybe I'll incorporate metalwork into my next costume design!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Today has been hard. I had a major project due for my scenic painting class so I worked on that tirelessly until I finished it. Little did I know that it would take me almost 10 hours just to finish. UGGH I LOVE painting  but I HATE it. And it's not even real painting.

But then so I meandered over to the metals studio to finish my project because I knew I only had to clean a couple pieces up and solder two little pieces together and be done.
Well, if only it had gone that way....

I formed the new half of the ring band on the major component of my project and ran it over to the torches. I set it up and threw some fire on it and all of a sudden, it all fell a part. The two pieces turned into 4 charred little pieces and they wouldn't solder together. So now I'm being forced to improvise.

Here's where I had the meltdown. Finals week has officially gotten the best of me.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pieces are cast!

Working with Justen and helping with the kiln was a great experience, and also using the super special torch to heat up my bronze was super fun even if it was super intimidating.

Personally, I doubt I'll ever become an actual metalsmith. I might daddle in metalworking from time to time but I can't say I'll ever get my own studio and tools etc. But getting the experience was the most important part, and I'm so thankful Justen was there to make sure I didn't fuck up too badly.
She's just so nice.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A bright spot to my trudging through Finals week was my friend Eric having set up a Free Waffle station outside of the Metals studio. He just felt like it, that's why.

He said the only stipulation was that you had to find 'someone else' to make you a waffle, and in return you made a waffle for them. Eric stood there, mediating and smiling.
He just wanted to spread a little faith and that's exactly what he did. 

Soon the entire Art department was downstairs, making chocolate chip and blueberry, applesauce, honey, even "grilled cheese" waffles for each other. A boy named Nate made mine. I've never met him before and neither him, I. But he was sweet, we exchanged pleasantries and he lovingly made my waffle. It was glorious.

Thanks Nate. And most of all, thank you Eric.
You've made a bleak gray day shine a little brighter.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Cast! And well?

Okay. Casting is not easy and I've had to learn that the hard way.

The majority of my pieces didn't come out. But that's alright! I'll work with what I've got... Which is?

 It'll be alright.. I'll figure something out. But I have to make due with what I have. And being able to utilize what I've been given is a gift, in my opinion.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

I have a job!! (Or actually 3 now!!)

I was just offered the Shop Supervisor position at Horn in the West this summer!! And my application has been accepted and chosen to work in Dublin Ireland in September at the Ivaeugh Theatre in the Temple Bar District to intern in their costume and craftwork sector!!!
I know it's theatre but it's still exciting!

I may actually be able to get the chance to do a little metal work since their shop does work on a repertory schedule and their seasons last a lot longer than normal shows. Which means that on a rep schedule, you have 3-4 different shows running at the same time and for longer runs like 3-4 weeks rather than 2 and a half like traditional theaters. I'm excited! This will open so many doors for me!

Rubber mold time!

I forgot to get a picture of it, but I cast an S link that I intend to make into a chain for my main ring that's cast in order to turn the ring itself into a pendant.

Rubber molds are cool, the process is relatively tedious and I CANNOT stand the smell of burning rubber. Ugh it makes me gag profusely, but it was actually a relatively relaxing process (once I had my respirator on). The little wooden board with the clamps on it helped ease the pressure off my fingers and thumb which was nice. The surgical blade intimidated me a little bit but I got over it in the end!
All in all, it was a pretty easy process and I would very much like to use this process in the future.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Portfolio Review Day!

Today was the Technical/Design Theatre Student Portfolio day!

This is where we set up a table with items of the field we're interested in and basically we have to sell ourselves to the public who come to judge us and convince the faculty that we're ready for the real world. I am, but the others... not too sure about them just yet. 

I hate it but it's required and if I don't do it, I get kicked out of the concentration... Or so the faculty threaten. I've only done this like..... 5 other times so whatever. I'm completely over it.
But I think I looked decent and my table didn't seem to suck like it did last year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Kiln and Casting Demo Day

Getting into the sculpture studio is intimidating. The whole Foundry is intimidating. Getting to see how the kiln works and pouring metal into your one shot of a cast is kind of ridiculous. It's a really scary enviromment and I don't know if I'd ever feel ultimately comfortable in there. To be honest, I don't think metal is at all my element for art. I just can't think in 3D like that! Which I know sounds like a cop out but seriously, I'm way more of a 2D person and making it look dimensional rather than pulling a 3D piece out of my imagination practically out of thin air. I'm having some serious doubts about my abilities as a metal smith.