Monday, September 29, 2014

Field trip to Arthurs!

We got to see Arthur's studio space and it was pretty cool.

Arthur's homemade ventilation system

Pickling pot and torch!

Handheld dremmel, lovely and compact. I NEED one. 

Enameling supplies!

Super fancy 3D printer... Who knows, maybe?

Giant laser printer. Most likely this will be a necessity. I like printing.. big.. things..

I LOVE drill presses. They're super fun. 

Rolling mill (very handy) and I can't remember what exactly the black plate is. 

Oddly, this Spring Hammer maker-flatter-thing is very handy. I love the one in the shop. 

Everything was so organized and lovely. Hey look! A second dremmel!

I'm in love with this toolbench. But it's a little tall for me.. #shortpersonproblems

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