Sunday, September 28, 2014

Critique thoughts- Pewter Cast

So I'm pretty proud of how those pieces turned out, I have to say. The pin/turned wire wrapped ring wasn't my best work but it was a means to an end so there. I'm in love with the pendant and as soon as I get it back, I'm wearing it. While the earrings are a tad heavy, I'm thinking about making them into keychains! But I don't know, I worked pretty decently hard on them and I think that there are some processes that work and some that definitely don't. Also getting to know pewter was fun, because I feel like its collective weight is heavier than it actually makes itself out to be. Whatever- random thought.
Anyway, I think for my concept it was relatively succeessful and while there's things I would tweak definitely, it was a decent way of learning the majority of the processes.

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