Monday, September 22, 2014


I never intended to be an art major.
I never even intended to be an art minor.
I'm a theatre major through and through. But I paint and design and thought an art class would be good for me. Then I took a second art class. Then I took 3 more and applied for the department and got in. I had and still have no plans in being "a living artist". I plan on taking what skills I have learned into the theatre world and utilizing them when needed or when I have the access to materials and tools in which I could to make something needed for a show. I have no intention on making things for "shows" which seems arbitrary to me. I like making gifts for people, I don't know. I also already have people who pay good money to see the things I create, the spaces and atmospheres and people I reinvent.

My art is in improvisation of what materials I have access to or what is around me currently. I will most likely never cast anything again unless it's something I need specifically.

Just wanted to put that out there.

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