Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oh, Cal-cuttlery!

While in the midst of researching cutlery, I realized that I wanted to think outside the box. I wanted to do something that I couldn't find. I found a lot of cutlery that was just "art" and a few that were rather similar to my mothers silver pattern she got at her very Catholic wedding and some like the set her peculiar mother-in-law decided would be a good silver dining set.

Now maybe it's the fact that I marathoned the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies recently and now I'm a little stuck on Elvish designs, but I'd really like to looking into sort of an armoured feel to the cutlery. Like Elvish armour, but also not for eating. I love pieces that are just impossible to use for anything except to be looked at because I can never achieve that. I usually make things that are utilitarian in some way. Almost everything I've made is that way, so I know now that I need to branch out.
And it doesn't help that I have the hardest time being inspired to do anything so I end up typically making things for other people. I need this one for me.

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