Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Career Reflection

The trip to Arthur's really solidified the fact that I'm not going to be a metals artist. You have to have so much invested just to LIVE on what you make. I would be too busy selling all of the tools I had just to eat from the lack of money I'd be making off of the pieces I'd have to make. I don't understand the inflation either, of the pieces and how artists get to a total for a piece of jewelry or artwork. My friend was just recently commissioned to make a ring for some woman out of a baby spoon. Gena was going to charge the woman $80 for the smallest ring I've ever seen.
But all of the tools I'd need just to be able to make something like that is incredible! I can't imagine having to seek out certain tools just in order to make a simple ring. It would take years! Let alone the carpentry knowledge in order to install things and make sure everything is kept up. I don't think I'd have enough patience for that.
I'll take my costume shop over that any day.

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