Monday, November 24, 2014

Worn Out.

Dude I am tired.

I am SO tired.

This semester was supposed to be boring and full of nothing. But lo and behold! I've been so busy that I can't even sleep in my own bed. (No but I really need to not sleep on the couch anymore.)

I'm just exhausted from art. I'm exhausted from constantly trying to prove myself in a department that doesn't want me. I know I'm not a typical artist. I KNOW. I KNOW I'm not a metalsmith. I GET IT.

I'm a goddamn costume designer. For theatre.

You think I don't know that metalsmithing takes time? I'm fully aware. I'm not prepared for the time commitments? No, I am and I'll get the shit done. I just have other obligations to do so I can actually graduate. You know, no big deal or anything. Being a double major in two fine arts departments is rough and I'm so ready for the nightmare to be over.

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