Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sand molds in the sanddddddd...

I adore the art form and utilitarian life form that is Metal. I decided to take Metals 1 on a whim last year and I became absolutely tantalized with a life surrounded in the infinite universe that is metals.

Fast forward, and I've signed up for Casting: Metals 2.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship- not to mention Arthur the new guy is pretty chill... I still miss Lillith's crazy teaching and Angela's sing songy voice, but he's growin on me.

Today in class we made sand molds and cast pewter things! It was a relatively easy process, not super great for high detail work but it's still pretty fun regardless. Also, kind of in love with Pewter. I think that metal is super underrated and I'm excited to work more with it in the future.

Here's Arthur giving us the demo on pouring the molten metal into the mold.

And here's my first attempt at casting! Didn't used enough metal to fully cast it, but it's still not too bad.

I think overall, class is going to be interesting but I'm not too worried. Keeping up with this blog might be a bit difficult, as least in remembering to update it. But regardless, it's going to be fun!

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